The Side Room Foster Closet

Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their time of distress.
James 1:27

It is our desire at the Side Room to come along those who are caring for children in the foster care system. Often when children are placed in the system they have nothing more than the clothes on their back. We want to help with that. Parents (foster or kinship) looking after kids in the foster system can come to the closet and find clothes free of charge for their children. The Side Room also provides other supplies like, diapers, toiletries, freezer meals, and more!

If you are a foster parent who is looking for help please text Pastor Jared at (641) 903-1858 to set up a time to come!

Ways to Help


Donate supplies to the closet. Check the list here to see what we need.


Help us out financially by donating to the Side Room here. Make sure to choose the Side Room Foster Closet fund from the drop down menu


Volunteer to help us meet keep the closet up and running. Click here to let us know you are interested in helping. 

Want to help in a more dramatic way?

Foster Care

Foster care is an opportunity to take care of children who have been removed from their parents by DHS because of neglect or abuse. The goal of foster care is reunification first. If reunification fails, the case then goes to adoption.

In North Iowa, the licensing agency to become a foster parent is Four Oaks. It usually takes about six to nine months to complete the licensing process.


International adoption or somewhere closer to home? How will I afford it? What is a home study? Adoption comes with many questions, and we are here to help. Get started by finding an agency.

Adoption Associates of Iowa
International and Domestic:
All God’s Children International
Lifeline Children’s Services
CCAI Adoption Services