Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
Faith Baptist Church takes seriously God's command to train up a child in the way he should go. We do this by coming alongside parents and helping them disciple their own children. But we also provide many different opportunities for parents to bring their children to church and let trained teachers systematically teach children the wonders of God's Word.

Safe childcare available during all service for newborn until their 3rd birthday.

Every Wednesday night during the school year we provide an exciting time of singing, bible lessons and game time. The children are taught the Bible and encouraged to read and memorize it for themselves.

Sunday School
Faith Baptist Church provides systematic, practical biblical instruction for all ages. Check in at the Welcome Center to find where to find your child’s classroom.

Vacation Bible School
Every year we put on a week of VBS where you can drop off your kids and they can enjoy a time of singing, game time, crafts, Bible lessons and much more!